Saturday, February 28, 2009

Events Happening this Spring

Make your plans now, here is the upcoming events planned at our local NW fields.

March 7th
Hamberger Hill
@ Danger Zone Paintball
Big Game

Free field fee and air day.

Hey that Leprechaun’s Armed!
@ Royal Ridges Paintball

March 21st
Armed Forces War 2
@ NiteHawk Paintball
4 team Big Game

March 28th
Blue – Grey Game
@ K.C. Crusaders
Big Game/scenario

April 11th
Easter Egg Hunt
@ Danger Zone Paintball
No info yet

April 18th
Any Bunny wanna play?
@ Royal Ridges Paintball

April 18th
There are rumors of a possible game
@ Hosking Field

May 2nd
Supergame XXXVII
@ Warpaint International
Very Big Game/scenario

May 9th
All Pump Day
Royal Ridges Paintball
May 9th
Girls Play Free
@ Forest Fire

May 23rd
Mass Distraction
Royal Ridges Paintball

Monday, February 23, 2009

Groundhogs Day

Like bears, paintballers hibernate. The chill air comes, the days grow short and the woods grow quiet as its creatures retreat to their shelter to fatten up on Thanksgiving turkey and wait out the winter. But now the power invested in some stupid, subterranean rodent has decreed that spring is on the way. The creatures are stirring, awakening to the coming dawn. Once again the woods will be filled with the pitter patter of paint breaking on trees.

Okay, enough poetic crap!

Spring is on its way and it’s time to start thinking about this upcoming paintball season. Time to clean up gear, browse for new toys, and set goals for the year.
Groundhogs Day
I’ll start with a note about being prepared. Now is the time to check your safety gear. Replace lenses people! You only get one set of eyes. Also, check to make sure that your air tanks are up to date and if not, replace or get them tested.

Goals for the year? Lets see.
Play more
Keep reviewing fields
Update the blog on a more regular basis (bi-weekly?)
Network, with other players, teams, field employee’s etc.
Start/join a team as to better get involved in the NW scenario games.

Not a bad start. I’ll be getting ready, hope you are too. 2 weeks till the time change. See you on the field.
